La procession de

Harlequin Free-Mason


Cette page concerne la description des 20 bannières de la procession qui terminait la représentation de Harlequin Free Mason et qui d'après les témoignages d'époque souleva l'enthousiasme des spectateurs. 

A droite, le texte original. A gauche en regard, le texte du compte-rendu publié en France en 1808.

Il vaut la peine de lire le texte anglais (qui est assez facile à comprendre même pour qui n'aurait que quelques notions de cette langue). On sera surpris par la naïveté qu'il manifeste. Mais il est assez fidèle à l'esprit de la partie dite historique des Constitutions d'Anderson.

Ordre et explication de la procession des principaux Grands Maîtres, de la Création du monde à nos jours. 

Première bannière : 

Hénoch, deux hommes portant des pilastres.

[NDLR : allusion à la légende d'Enoch figurant aux Constitutions d'Anderson]



Enoch — Two Men bearing Pillars.

The first mason Enoch, son of Jared, erected two pillars, one of stone, the other of brick ; he carved also the arts of geometry and masonry Anno Mundi 987. Josephus affirms the stone pillar remained in Syria tîll his time. 

Seconde bannière : 

Nemrod, deux chasseurs, quatre hommes portant la tour de Babel.


Nimrod - Four Hunters
Two Men bearing the Tower of Babel. 

Grand Master Nimrod, son of Cash, built the stately city of Babylon, and its tower Babel, the largest work the world ever saw ; he built also Nineveh where he long reigned ; and under him floarished many learned mathematicians, whose successors were long after called Chaldees and Magi. The dispersion and confusion of tongues at Babel gave rise to the masons faculty and universal practice of knowing each other by signs and tokens, which became the source of symbolical leaming throughout the East.


Mitzraim — Two Attendants 
Two carrying the Pyramid.

Mitzraim, the second son of Ham, built many magnificent edifices in Egypt. The famous pyramid, the first of the seven wonders of art ; 360,000 masons were employed on it twenty years : he also assisted at the building of Thebes, which had a hundred gates, and formed the colossal sphinx, whose head was 120 feet round, Anno Mundi 1816.

Quatrième bannière : 

six soldats, quatre trompettes, six musiciens, quatre enfants, le grand-prêtre, Salomon porté sur son trône et ayant à ses côtés Hiram-Abi et Hiram, roi de Tyr.


Six Soldiers — Four Trumpets 
Six Singers, Ditto 4 Boys — High Priest, 
Throne, with Solomon ; on one side Hiram Abiff, the other, Hiram, King of Tyre.

Solomon, Great Grand Master of masonry, founded his temple, the second wonder of the world, Anno Mnndi, 2993, assisted by his Deputy Grand Master, and most accomplished designer, Hiram Abiff, sent by Hiram King of Tyre.

Cinquième bannière : 

la reine de Saba, quatre jeunes Égyptiennes qui portent des vases, quatre hommes qui portent le temple.


Queen of Sheba 
Four Egyptian Virgins bearing Vases.
Four Men bearing the Temple.

Solomon divided the fellow-crafts into certain lodges, with a master and wardens in each, that they might receive commands in a regular manner, might take care of their tools and jewels, might be regularly paid every week, and be duly fed and clothed, &c., and the fellow-crafts took care of their succession by edacating entered apprentices. Thus a solid foundation was laid of perfect harmony among the brotherhood ; the lodge was strongly cemented with love and friendship ; every brother was duly taught secrecy and prudence, morality and good fellowship ; each knew his peculiar business, and the grand design was vigorously pursued.

Sixième bannière : 

Darius, fils d'Hystaspe et Zoroastre ; deux hommes qui portent le temple du soleil.


Darius Hystaspes — Zoroaster.
Two, bearing the Temple of the Sun.

Darius Hystaspes, who married the daughter of Gyrus, confirmed his decree of rebuilding the temple of Jerusalem : and in the 6th year of his reign his grand warden Zerubbabel, finished it. In his reign Zoroaster flourished, the Archimagus, or Grand Master of the Magi, whose disciples were great improvers of geometry and the liberal arts ; and who erected many famous temples dedicated to the Sun.

Septième bannière : 

César-Auguste, deux soldats, deux hommes portant le Panthéon.


Augustus Caesar — Agrippa — Two SoIdïers 
Two, bearing the Panthéon.

Grand Master Augustus Caesar, with his deputy, Agrippa, built the grand portico of the Pantheon at Rome, the Temple of Mars the Avenger, the Temple of Apollo, and many other edifices. Augustus dying, said, " I found Rome built of brick, but I have left it built of marble. " Hence the Augustan stile, the union of wisdom, strength and beauty.

Huitième bannière : 

Titus, le soldat qui met le feu au temple, chargé de fers ; deux gardes, deux hommes qui portent le temple tout en feu.


Titus Vespasian 
A Soldier bound, who fired the Temple 
Two Guards — Two, bearing the Temple on fire.

Grand Master Titus Vespasian built the Temple of Peace, and raised his famous Amphitheatre, where the rich composite order was first used.

Neuvième bannière : 

Constantin, deux sénateurs romains, quatre hommes portant l'arc de triomphe.


Constantine — Two Roman Senators 
Four, carrying the Triumphal Arch.

Constantine erected at Rome the last triumphal arch in the Augustan stile, and at his new metropolis Byzantium, (which he called Constantinople) the amazing serpentine pillar, with his own equestrian statue.

Dixième bannière : 

Guillaume-le-Conquérant, la Grande-Bretagne, Guerdolph  Montgommery, deux hommes portant la tour de Londres.


William the Conqueror — Britannia — Gundolph De Monigomery 
Two, bearing the Tower of London.

William the Conqueror appointed Gundulph Bishop of Rochester, and Roger de Montgomery, Earl of Shrewsbury, to be at the head of the fellow-crafts, building for the King the Tower of London and the castle of Dover, &c.

Onzième bannière : 

Edouard III, le prince Noir, Jean, roi de France, et Philippe, son fils, enchaînés ; le lord Dudley, deux hommes portant le château de Windsor.


Edward III — Black Prince 
King John of France and his Son Philip in Chainas
Lord Audley — Two, bearing Windsor Castle. 

Edward the llld became patron of arts and sciences. He set up a table at Windsor 600 feet in circomference, for feasting the gallant knights of all nations, and rebuilt the castle and palace of Windsor : he was himself a Royal Grand Master, meliorated the constitution, and died after building many stately édifices, the 21st of June, 1377. 

Douzième bannière : 

Elisabeth, le comte d'Essex et sir Walter Raleigh, quatre maîtres maçons avec leurs tabliers.


Elizabeth — Essex — Sir Walter Raleïgh 
Four Master Masons with Aprons.

Elizabeth, in whose reign the true Augustan stile revived in England, hearing the free-masons had certain secrets which could not be revealed to her, and being jealous of all secret assemblies, sent an armed force to break up their annual lodge at York, on St. John's day 1561 ; but Sir Thomas Sackville, with other free-masons, making an honourable report of the Society to the Queen, she after esteemed them as a peculiar set of men, who cultivated peace and friendship, arts and sciences, without meddling in affairs of church or state. In her reign Grand Master Sir Thomas Gresham built the first Royal Exchange, 1570.

Treizième bannière : 

Jules II, Michel-Ange, le Bramante, Raphaël, Joconde et San Gallo, deux hommes qui portent le temple de Saint Pierre.


Pope Julius II — Michael Angelo — Pramante 
Raphaël — Jocunde — San Gallo 
Two, bearing St. Peter' s.

Pope Julius, Second Grand Master of Rome, retained Bramante as his architect, and Grand Warden, in 1503, who drew the grand design of St. Peter's in Rome. The Pope with Bramante, led a solemn assembly of Cardinals, clergymen, and craftsmen, to level the foot-stone of that great Cathedral in due form, A.D. 1507. Raphaël of Urbino, Jocunde of Verona, Anthony San Gallo, Michael Angelo, these four succeeded each other till that lofty temple was finished by Michael Angelo. Julius died at Rome, aged 90 years, on February 17, 1564.

Quatorzième bannière : 

Jacques Ier, Inigo Jones, deux hommes portant le palais de Whitehall, Guy-Vaux, sir Thomas Pervit, un seigneur.


James I — Inigo Jones — Two, bearing Whïtehall 
Guy Vaux — Sir Thomas Pervit — A Nobleman.

James I, a Royal Brother Mason, Grand Master, establîshed the Augustan stile in England ; he appointed Inigo Jones his Grand Surveyor and Grand Master of all the lodges in his kingdom ; he ordered him to draw the plan of a new palace at Whitehall. The King, with his Grand Master, Jones, and his Grand Wardens, William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, and Nicholas Stone, the sculptor, attended by many brothers in due form, and other eminent persons, walked to Whitehall gate, and levelled the foot-stone of the new Banquetting-House, with three great knocks, and lound huzzas, sound of trumpets, and a purse of broad pièces of gold laid upon the stone for the masons to drink 

" To the King and the Craft." 

Quinzième bannière : 

Charles II, sir William Davenant, Killegrew et le général Monk, un capitaine hollandais, quatre matelots hollandais, le lord maire, deux hommes portant le Monument, c'est-à-dire la colonne élevée à Londres en mémoire de l'incendie qui arriva dans cette ville le 2 septembre 1666.


Charles II — Sir William Davenant — Killegrew 
General Monk — Dutch Oaptain 
Four Dutch Sailors — Lord Mayor 
Two, bearing the Monument.

Charles the Ild in his travels had been made a free-mason ; he encouraged the Augustan stile. In the year 1666, the King, with Thomas Savage, Earl of Rivers, and his Deputy, Sir Christopher Wren, levelled the foot-stone of the new Royal Exchange, October 23, 1667, the Lord Mayor and Aldermen,  &c. attending. The King, with Grand Master Rivers, his architects and craftsmen, nobility and gentry, Lord Mayor and Aldermen, bishops, clergy, &c.,in due form, bevelled the foot-stone of the new St. Paul's, designed by Deputy Grand Master Wren, a.d. 1673. In this reign was erected the Monument, Chelsea Hospital, Greenwich Hospital, &c.

Seizième bannière : 

Guillaume III et la reine Marie, deux hommes portant l'obélisque.


William III. — Queen Mary.
Two to carry the Obelisk.

William the IIId was privately made a Free-Mason ; his Grand Master Wren built the palace at Kensington, and finished Chelsea Hospital, also Hampton Court, and Greenwich Hospital.

Dix-septième bannière : 

sir Christophe Wren, deux seigneurs, deux hommes portant l'église Saint-Paul.


Sir Christopher Wren — Two Noblemen. 
Two, bearing St. Paul's.

Sir Christopher Wren finished St. Paul's, London, and celebrated the capestone when he erected the cross on the top of the cupola in July, A.D. 1708. The Church of Walbrooke is famous all over Europe, and justly reputed a master-piece. Perhaps Italy itself can produce no modem building that can vie with it in taste or proportion. Hooke has comprized the character of Sir Christopher Wren in these few but comprehensive words : I must affirm, says he, that since the time of Archimedes, there scarce ever has met in one man in so great a perfection, such a mechanical hand and so philosophical a mind. He died Feb. 23, 1733.

Dix-huitième bannière : 

six templiers, deux hommes portant les marques de l'Ordre.

Dix-neuvième bannière : 

six maçons, deux hommes portant un char de triomphe.

Vingtième bannière : 

les maçons modernes, un tuileur, deux maçons portant les colonnes de Salomon, quatre intendants ayant des baguettes dans leurs mains, le grand-maréchal avec le bâton de commandement, le secrétaire avec des plumes en sautoir, le grand-trésorier avec des clés.


Two, bearing Insignia — Six Knights Templars.


Royal Arch — Six Gentlemen Masons 
Two, bearing the Pageant.


Modern Masons — a Tiler. 
Two Masons bearing Solomons Pillar. 
Four Stewards with Wands. 
Grand Marshal with Truncheon. 
Secretary with Cross Pens. 
Grand Treasurer with Keys. 
Six Fellow-Crafts drawing the Throne.


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